About Me

Welcome! I'm Dawn - that's my husband, Tug.  I started my blog so my wonderful husband wouldn't have to constantly listen to me prattle on about my latest kitchen experiments. 

Growing up, I spent a great deal of time in the kitchens of mom, grandmothers and aunts.  I've been baking since I was about six years old and my parents bought me a Holly Hobby Easy Bake oven.  My mulberry pies were quite popular among my friends in second grade.  To this day, I still love baking and sharing what I make. 

I don't mind sharing my recipes either.  Feel free to use them as you like, but I would appreciate credit.  I don't profess to be an expert on anything at all, but if you happen to learn something from me, that's awesome.   If there's no other lesson within these pages, let that one be that sometimes it's okay to fail.  Once in awhile, a failure can be your greatest success!


  1. Hi,

    I came across your site http://tugsgirl.blogspot.com while searching Google for blogs talking about growing/gardening equipment and related keywords and was wondering if you'd be open to doing a sponsored blog post.

    We have a site that growing/gardening equipment and are looking for more exposure online.

    Our budget for this is initially $20 for the post and we would give you the blog post (gardening related & already written) as well as a picture to post. All you would have to do is post it.

    Here's a sample post we did on another blog: http://homefurniturebiz.com/grow-lights/

    We're really just testing out different bloggers, and if you bring some good traffic, we're totally open to doing an annual banner ad!

    Also if you have some other blogs, please send them over and I'll take a look and we might be open to doing a post on those as well!

    Let me know if you'd be open to this!



    1. I really appreciate the interest and offer, Vanessa. My little blog really doesn't generate much traffic and I'm strictly a "no-ad" kind of girl. :)

  2. Hi. Super duper late to this but wondering, where to you get the caramel mold for the "caramels for a cause" post?


What do you think?